"Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone." (Ephesians 2:19-20)
Through this foundation of the apostles and prophets flow the Holy Scripture and all doctrine bringing forth a strong, Holy Spirit-filled, spiritual building which is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ with Him being the Corner Stone and a part of this united gift.
The Southern Diocese's "Questions & Answers" Web site has been designed to help you become that strong, Holy Spirit-filled, spiritual building. Therefore, any questions concerning spiritual struggles and spiritual issues such as repentance, prayer, fasting, and participation in the sacramental life of the church are for this website to provide help with.
"O Gracious Master, infuse in our hearts the spotless light of Thy Divine Wisdom and open the eyes of our mind that we may understand the teachings of Thy Gospels."
If you have a question for the Southern Diocese, please click
here to submit it.5 Most Recently Added Questions 3 Most Popular Questions - What scripture was Jesus referring to in John 7:38? (Viewed 10717 times)
- These days it is so easy to access pornographic material (on the internet especially, HBO, etc.), and almost all teenagers in our church view this extremely sinful and dirty material. Many of the boys admit that they know that they are doing something wrong when they view such horrible material, yet they find themselves unable to prevent themselves from doing so. Other boys, sadly, find that what they are doing isn't really wrong at all, and that what they are doing is actually quite normal! What can the youth do to find a way out of this sin? I was wondering if you knew of any websites that would lead to some helpful information regarding this matter, and that would describe this sin in detail and why it is wrong and how it can be prevented. (Viewed 8774 times)
- Lately, I have felt depressed, ashamed, and guilty before God; because of my sins, particularly contemplating adultery in my thoughts. I am a Coptic Orthodox, fairly knowledgeable in my Church's beliefs. Is it alright to seek help from a Christian psychologist outside my Church whom I have already contacted and who has offered his support and assistance? I have already purchased the book he has written. Being fairly knowledgeable of the Coptic Church teachings, I think I am fairly capable of refuting unorthodox beliefs, and if not, I can always ask. (Viewed 6993 times)
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