Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Bible Discrepancies (2)
Bible Interpretation (1)
Bible Translations (2)
Bible Versions (5)
Biblical Codes (1)
Deuterocanonical Books (2)
Lost Books (1)
 There are 32 questions in this category.

  • How do we know that the Bible is real and true?
  • I am a protestant exploring Orthodoxy. I would like to have an English translation of the Old Testament, including the books, which your Church includes in the Canon, which are not in the Protestant Canon. Could you advise me of which translation you recommend and where I might find a complete Canon as defined by the Coptic Church?
  • I have an American friend who just started to believe in the Holy Bible and in Christianity. She was asking me about some of the beliefs of the Orthodox Christian Church because she's been reading the Holy Bible so that she can be able to find a church that has beliefs that correlates with her own understanding of the Holy Bible. She sees that what I tell her about our church beliefs and what I've showed her in the Orthodox Study Bible that I have is what she understands from reading too. I was discussing the gifts God bestows upon his followers and I told her about some of the miracles that I'd heard of and that I'd been a witness to, and she asked me a question that I had a hard time answering. I told her about the monks and Pope Kyrillos and the saints and how God allows miracles to happen through them. I told her about how they had such a close relationship with God that they could speak to the angels, see saints, and some can even be in two places at once. But the question she had was "Where in the Bible does is say that God gives these gifts to people and what confirms these claims?" She doesn't really believe in saints or any of that. She only believes in what the Holy Bible says and therefore only believes in Jesus and doesn't believe that the holiness of anyone else matters. She wants to know why we feel like we need to ask for intercession. I explained that we are not praying to the saints, that we are asking them to pray for us because there is a verse that says that the we should pray for each other, and that we don't consider the saints to be dead because they have eternal life so their spirits are alive and that the prayers of someone holy will often be heard better. I can't remember the verse. I believe it was in Jacob? She wanted to go and pass out Holy Bibles to people and spread the word. She wanted to know if there is anything against that, and if so where in the Bible does it discourage against this? She wants to see evidence for everything from the Holy Bible, she doesn't want to hear anything that is otherwise. She reads every word literally and doesn't like it when I say "It means...not literally..." So far, God has been helpful in giving me the responses that answer her questions, but I do not have the understanding of the Holy Bible that I wish I did and I cannot pull quotes from it like I should, so I am asking for your help because I don't want to give her the wrong information. I understand the concepts of our faith, but I don't know how to quote the Holy Bible to verify what I explain. She likes what I explain, but she wants the biblical reference to validate it. She has read the Old Testament in depth, and she quotes it to make points, but I keep telling her that the Holy Bible is like a life manual. You read it like you’re growing. I told her that just like you can't give a kindergarten student high school information when they are just beginning to learn, God couldn't reveal everything at once. The New Testament is like a college course where everything is topped off, and the Old Testament is the history to it. But, she quotes the Old Testament and still thinks "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" is part of what God wants, but I tried to explain to her "you need to turn the other cheek to your enemy." I don't want her to think that the Holy Bible contradicts itself, so how do I explain this to her?
  • I understand that the Septuagint version is the most accurate translation of the Old Testament. Concerning the Latin Vulgate, translated by St. Jerome, which consists of both the Old and the New Testaments. Do we accept St. Jerome's translation of the New Testament as the most reliable source?
  • I understand that there are Old Testament books (also chapters and verses), the so-called Apocrypha, in the Coptic version of the Bible that are not in the King James Version. Which books and chapters are these? Which version of the Holy Bible would be the closest to the Coptic version? Also, along with the Epistle of Barnabas, what other New Testament books are considered Apocrypha? Would the book of Jasher be included in the Old Testament?
  • I want to ask about the promises in Psalm 91 regarding the pandemic, or any "pestilence" we face. Verse 1. "He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This seems to be the requirement for receiving all of the protections in the rest of this psalm. Am I right on that? Also, what does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the most high? Does it mean that I am following God and putting him first and participating in the life of the Church? And, of course, what if I slip? Is this a promise?
  • I want to ask about the promises in Psalm 91 regarding the pandemic, or any "pestilence" we face. Verse 1. "He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This seems to be the requirement for receiving all of the protections in the rest of this psalm. Am I right on that? Also, what does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the most high? Does it mean that I am following God and putting him first and participating in the life of the Church? And, of course, what if I slip? Is this a promise?
  • In comparison with the original text, is the English translation of King James Bible accurate or not? I would appreciate it if you let me know your opinion on that.
  • In his commentary on the "Fall of Adam & Eve", St. Jerome said that the serpent was not really the devil himself, but was some cunning creature that God created. Is this so? And would Your Grace recommend this interpretation?
  • In St Paul’s letter, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, the Holy Bible mentions that man is body, soul, and spirit. Where is the heart and mind in regards to these three? Is the heart part of the soul? Is the mind part of the soul? If so, why did our Lord command that we love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength, if the heart and mind are part of the soul?
  • On the most prominent Coptic website,, a person wrote regarding St. Paul's verses on women: "Agape, Let me put it very frankly (and I apologize if my frankness causes any kind of problems): St. Paul the Apostle did not write these verses." Does this mean that the Scripture is not all God-inspired and as such, some verses can be criticized or its authorship questioned?
  • Regarding the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Gospel and the verse from chapter 7 of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians: "But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: ..." (1 Corinthians 7:12). While he said earlier: "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not..." (1 Corinthians 7:10) and later in verse 25 he says: "Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful" (1 Corinthians 7:25) and at the end of the chapter: "But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 7:40). Does that mean that some of the teachings in the epistles are the authors' personal opinions? Why in this case did St. Paul clarify what is his personal saying and what is God's commandment? How come he has no commandment of the Lord on a topic, yet he gives a judgment of his thinking and says he also has the Spirit of God? What does that mean? Doesn't that mean that it is a judgment inspired by God? Then, why does he mention all these things? Also, what is the difference then between this judgment and those judgments that he has the commandment of God concerning their issues? How does this accord with the verses from St. Peter’s second epistle: "Knowing this first, which no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:20,21). Does this apply only to the Old Testament?
  • Some people believe that the Holy Bible and the church are subject to corruption since they are influenced by man, even with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, what is Your Grace's comment on this?
  • There are two identical passages in the Holy Bible, 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37. What is the reason for this repetition? Might not such duplicity cast doubt on the authenticity of the Holy Bible?
  • To whom does the Coptic Church ascribe the authorship of the Holy Book of Hebrews?
  • What is meant by the verse take your cross and follow me?
  • When was the Holy Bible written and particularly, who put it all together and when did this happen?
  • Where can one get a copy of the Coptic Bible now used by the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States?
  • Who was the first known singer? Was it David?
  • Why were some of the books removed from the Bible? (Ex: Tobit) Why we never read them in church? What are the names of all those books? Is John the Beloved same as St. John who wrote one of the 4 Books in the Bible? Is he the same as the one who wrote the Book of Revelation?
  • With regard to the verse references provided on the left and right margins of the Arabic Bible; did they exist in the original text, or were they added later on by others to help interpret the Holy Bible?
  • "Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible", unfortunately written not by atheists but by modern "Bible scholars", explains each book of the Old and New Testament from the viewpoint of "Biblical Criticism". This book seems to infuse some measure of doubt as to the authenticity and authorship of almost every book of the Holy Bible. For example, they denied knowledge of the exact authorship of (just to name a few) the Holy Books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 2 Peter, Revelation, and even said that Moses probably did not write all of the Pentateuch. To them Esther was more fantasy-like than historical; and Genesis was heavily influenced by Babylonian myth. What is your Grace's comment?
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