Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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If God created everything, how was His spirit there from the beginning? Everyone keeps telling me that He was just there, but I do not understand how He got to be there in the first place? Also how did He just exist, and from what?

God is Almighty, without beginning and without end. Our minds are too limited to begin to understand God because we try to fit Him into our own frail knowledge base and experiences. It is impossible. God was there in the beginning. He is ever-existent. He is the author of Creation and nothing was created without Him. If you move beyond this point, you will gain more appreciation of the Christian faith. Knowing that God, Almighty, All-Powerful, and All-Knowing, loves us so much that He would deal with us most compassionately, suffer on our behalf, and desire for us to be with Him in eternity, is enough to answer any doubts. Whenever we want to see God or know more about Him, we must know Jesus Christ. Read Psalm 139.
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