Q&A Home > H > Hypostatic Union I am not sure if this is relevant or not, but the second lecture on Christology
Lecture II: The Nature of Our Lord Jesus Christ states:
"His Divine Nature is united with His Human Nature in a complete Hypostatic (personal) Union without mingling, confusion, alteration, or separation."
"The union of the spirit & body is a hypostatic one. So is the union of the Divine Logos & the Human Nature in the virgin's womb. A hypostatic, real, self-essential union not a mere connection that separates as Nestorius claimed."
My questions are:
- Also, is the lecture using hypostatic, real and self-essential union as synonyms, all meaning hypostatic union i.e. so that hypostatic means real and self essential? Or is it using three different terms/descriptions?
- Does hypostatic mean personal as mentioned in my first quote of this lecture or does it mean real and self-essential?
- What does self-essential union mean?
a) These terms are not just used as synonyms, but in addition to each other, because one term/description alone is not sufficient.
b) Hypostatic means personal, real, self-essential, co-existent, and eternal. It is not enough to simply pull one of these terms out and have it completely describe the Hypostatic Union of the Holy Trinity.
c) Self-essential union is a co-existent and personal union of Divinity and Humanity in One Lord and God Jesus Christ, and can only be used to describe the Holy Trinity. Christ is God and remains God in His Hypostatic Union, all divine and all human without any alteration or mingling.
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