Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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If one's father is a priest, is that person allowed to confess to him? If so, does the rule apply to other Oriental Orthodox Churches?

In the Coptic Orthodox Church, one can confess to his biological father if he [the father] is an ordained priest. However, it is generally better that the son has a different confession father because he will benefit from both fathers. If he confesses to his father the priest, on the one hand, he may be more embarrassed to reveal certain sins, and on the other hand, he may be too relaxed and lack the seriousness of this Holy Mystery. If one cannot meet or talk with his confession father and he wants to confess about something, he may confess to his biological father who is also a priest, but discuss further with his confession father at an opportune time, so he [his confession father] may be able to guide the one confessing holistically. As for the protocol of the other Oriental Orthodox Churches, it is best to check with them directly.
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