Q&A Home > C > Commemoration of the Saints Why in the Divine Liturgy during the Commemoration of the Saints no females are mentioned? During the Divine Liturgy, there are two occasions in which the priest commemorates certain saints. The first time is in the early part of the Divine Liturgy during the Absolution of the Servants. The distinction of the people mentioned here are leaders and stewards of the church, priests, bishops, and patriarchs who have defended the faith and the doctrine of the church. You will notice that not even St. Mary is mentioned in this commemoration prayer because she did not hold the office of the Priest. The second time, which is in reference to your question, is during the Commemoration of the Saints. Here, the only woman mentioned is St. Mary, as she is the queen of all saints. The remaining saints mentioned are distinct stewards who have had a role in shepherding the church, whether in the role of the church hierarchy, monasticism, repentants, abbots, etc. These few selected individuals represent all men and woman. Because the church mentors under the auspices of religious male figures, women are not specifically mentioned by name, but are inclusive in the category of all saints, Christians, etc.
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