Q&A Home > C > Commemoration of the Saints There are 3 questions in this category.
- In the Divine Liturgy, we say: our holy fathers the patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, the preachers, the evangelists, the martyrs, the confessors, and all the spirits of the righteous who were consummated in the faith. If this is the correct order, why in Tasbeha, do we go from the heavenly hosts to patriarchs to prophets to Joachim and Anna, Joseph the presbyter, Job, Nicodemus, the priests, then back to John the Baptist and the heavenly hosts again, then the apostles after that?
- The Gospel says that the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet in Matthew 26 will be remembered wherever the Gospel is preached. How come she is not mentioned in the Commemoration of the Saints? Does the church consider her a saint? Is she recognized anywhere in our church?
- Why in the Divine Liturgy during the Commemoration of the Saints no females are mentioned?
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