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How long did St. Mary live on earth? How old was she when she entered the temple?

In the New Testament, in the opening chapters of the gospels, St. Mary is seldom mentioned outside of the birth narratives. Her blessed name is mentioned only once in the Holy Gospel of St. Mark and the Holy Book of Acts.

The name of the Virgin Mary is only "referred to" in two chapters of Holy Gospel of St. John. Therefore, outside of the New Testament, what we know of St. Mary has been passed down through  Church tradition and writing.

The Synaxarium states, "St. Mary's life on earth was 60 years. She spent 12 years of them in the Temple, 30 years in the house of St Joseph, and 14 years in the care of St. John..." It is "generally" agreed upon that her life span was 60 years. So perhaps she entered the Temple after the age of three but in the "Coptic Book of Saints, Vol. I", states, "When Mary was 3 years old, Joachim and Anne took her to the Temple and dedicated their child to God. When Mary was 12 years old, Zechariah the priest want to find a suitable man who could take care of her..."  At 12 years Joseph and Mary became engaged.

In the Assumption of St. Mary each version that I have read puts her death at APPROXIMATELY 60 years old.

When St. Mary returned to Palestine and settled in Nazareth following the death of Herod the Great, for the next 30 years the Gospels include only a single incident related to St. Mary. This incident was when the 12 years old Lord Jesus remained at the Temple following the Passover.

We think St. Mary may have been in her late 40's when the Lord Jesus began His ministry.

Another source, "St. Mary in the Orthodox Understanding" generally follows the same school of thought.
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