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> St. Mary
Assumption of St. Mary
There are 24 questions in this category.
Did St. Mary have any other children after the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ or did she live her whole life as a virgin until she passed away?
Did St. Mary have more children?
Did St. Mary have the pain of labor when Jesus was born? I would think yes, because He was fully human, and obviously so was she; but the whole reason that there is pain associated with labor (the original sin) is what He came to take away. Please clarify.
Does our Church believe St. Mary is sinless or just the perfect person on Earth at that time?
From what I have heard from a Coptic friend, St. Mary appeared in Zeitoun, Egypt. When I did research on it, some people where saying that it was just a holographic projection or UFOs. How do we really know that this is real?
How can I prove to someone that St. Mary was truly a virgin before and after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ?
How does original sin related to Saint Mary? If you have sermon about this topic, please send.
How long did St. Mary live on earth? How old was she when she entered the temple?
I am an Eritrean Christian Orthodox and I have learned so many times in Sunday Schools and also in churches that our Lady, the Holy Virgin, St. Mary is immaculate with so many proofs from the Bible and as I have read from the Ethiopian Orthodox website, they do believe the same; but, not the Coptic. How is that, while they have the same dogma? Can’t the leaders of these churches discuss and pass the same information concerning these matters?
I know St. Mary gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit of God and she is a virgin. After the birth of the Lord, did she have any more children because in the scriptures, it says that Jesus had 4 brothers: James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude) and Simon.
I know St. Mary was born with Original Sin, but did she ever commit a sin herself?
If the Kingdom of Heaven will be opened on Judgment Day, and all the righteous will be in Paradise, why do we say that St. Mary is on the right hand of the King?
In Isaiah 7:14, it says: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." However, the original Hebrew does not say a virgin will give birth - it says "Almah ????", which means young woman. Is this a mistranslation?
Is it blasphemy to call St. Mary the mother of God? God was never begotten and never made. What is the best title to announce St. Mary? Are we blaspheming God by proclaiming St. Mary to be the mother of our God?
Is St. Mary's body and spirit in Heaven or Paradise?
My questions are about 2 verses that seem to contradict each other in the Thursday Theotokia. The verses are: Thursday Theotokia (5) “For He who was born is God, born without pain from the Father, and He was also born according to the flesh, without pain for the Virgin.” Thursday Theotokia (9) “Upon her head was a crown of twelve stars, she being with a child cried out in labor, and in pain to give birth” Please explain this? How can in one verse we say that the birth of Christ was painless, but a few verses later, we say that St. Mary cried out in labor and was in pain during the birth of Christ?
Since the Jews did not know that the angel came to St. Joseph and St. Mary was only engaged to him, but not married, so when she became pregnant, it would be considered adultery.
Was the Holy Mother of God born with the original sin or not? I know the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches believe in the purity of Our Holy Mother St. Mary and that she didn't have Adam's sin as the rest of us.
Was the pregnancy of the Virgin Mary of the Holy Spirit or was the Lord Jesus Christ "an actual child" similar in nature to us?
We know that St. Mary died and her spirit went to Paradise. After that the Lord Jesus Christ came and took her body. Where is her body now? Did her spirit return back to her body so the body can be alive?
What is our Church's view on the story of the apparition in Lourdes (of the Virgin Mary)?
When Saint Mary passed away, was her body taken up into heaven along with her soul?
Why did St. Mary have to be a virgin? Why would it not have been suitable for Jesus to be conceived normally?
Why did the Jews not stone St. Mary to death when she became pregnant? I know the angel appeared to St. Joseph, but the Jews did not know that and she was engaged, but not married.
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