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From what I have heard from a Coptic friend, St. Mary appeared in Zeitoun, Egypt. When I did research on it, some people where saying that it was just a holographic projection or UFOs. How do we really know that this is real?

There will always be skeptics when it comes to matters of faith. However, in the case of St. Mary's apparitions in Zeitoun, Egypt, which began on April 2, 1968 and lasted for approximately two years, this is the least refuted by renowned scientists who have studied all apparitions recorded in history. People of diverse faiths and even those of no faith at all witnessed her apparitions, and many were healed of their illnesses. It is strange that people are willing to believe in UFOs, though there has never been an ounce of proof of the existence of any kind of intelligent life beyond planet Earth, yet they are suspicious that the spirit of a fellow human being who had reposed may appear.
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