Q&A Home > S > St. Mary Is it blasphemy to call St. Mary the mother of God? God was never begotten and never made. What is the best title to announce St. Mary? Are we blaspheming God by proclaiming St. Mary to be the mother of our God? It is a heresy to not refer to St. Mary as the Mother of God, Theotokos (Birth Giver of God). In deductive logic, we say if A=B, and B=C, therefore A=C. If St. Mary=Mother of Christ, and Christ=God, therefore, St. Mary=Mother of God.
The Nestorian Heresy was debated and resolved in the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, under the leadership of St. Cyril the Pillar of Faith. As a result, the Introduction to the Orthodox (Nicene) Creed was added.
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