Q&A Home > S > Sin Is there any difference between the word 'sin' and 'iniquity'? The Webster's dictionary defines 'iniquity' as wickedness, or gross injustice while the term 'sin' is defined as an offense against the law of God, a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God.
The term INIQUITY in the Holy Bible is the English translation to several Hebrew and Greek terms. The Hebrew term `awon' translated as iniquity also means perversity, depravity (Gen 4:13) anything unjustly acquired (Hos 12:8), calamity, misery (Ps 31:10).
Another Hebrew term `awel' "commit iniquity," (Job 34:10), do wrong, and Hebrew word. `awla is also translated as "iniquity," or "unrighteousness,"(2 Chron 19:7), and means perverseness.
In the New Testament the Greek. words are very expressive. Thus 'adikia' means unrighteous, unrighteousness, iniquity, iniquities, or wickedness (Acts 8:23; Heb 8:12); 'anomia' (Mt 23:28) means iniquity, lawlessness, wickedness; 'paranomia' (2 Pet 2:16) means iniquity, transgression, or wrongdoing meaning "without law" or "transgression of the law"; and 'poneria' (Mt. 22:18; Lk 11:39; Rom 1:29; 1 Cor 5:8; etc.) signifies depravity, wickedness, malice.
In general the term iniquity means absence of equity, wickedness, lawlessness, or transgression. The Holy Bible often uses this word to describe evil and wickedness.
The term 'sin' in Hebrew hatta'a, and in Greek hamartia, means a falling away from or missing the right path. It is a transgression of God's will, either by omitting to do what God's law requires or by doing what it forbids. Transgression can occur in thought (1 Jn 3:15), word (Mt 5:22), or deed (Rom 1:32). Sin is defined in terms of mankind's relation to God. It is thus the faithless rebellion of the creature against the just authority of his Creator. Violation of the law of God in thought, word, and deed shows the sinfulness of the human heart.
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