Q&A Home > S > Sin I am wondering, what is the proper response to falling into sin? Every human must struggle against sin throughout life. We pray in the Litany of the Departed of the Divine Liturgy, "For no one is pure and without blemish even though his life on earth be a single day." What we learn from the saints is their lives of persistent struggling against sin. Most people are rather intrigued by their holiness. However, they neglect to appreciate that their holiness was achieved by the grace of God and their struggles. Thus, how are you struggling against sin? There are favored sins and there are repetitive sins. Identify your weak points and struggle as best as you can against these snares. All the saints would agree that falling into sins is less of a problem than refusing to rise from sin. Therefore, the struggle begins with acknowledging your sins, but that must be followed up with rising from sin through a life of repentance, the Holy Mystery of Confession and partaking of the Holy Eucharist as often as possible, reading the Holy Scripture daily, regular daily prayers, and following your personal spiritual canon ascribed by your father confessor.
“In heaven, God will not ask is why we sinned; He will ask us why we did not repent” [HH Pope Shenouda III of Thrice Blessed Memory].
Below is a link to a homily that may help you with your struggles. May the Lord strengthen you and help you to overcome all sins.
Homily - https://soundcloud.com/his-grace-bishop-youssef/the-deceitfulness-of-sin
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