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"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me"(Psalm 50). Could you please explain this verse and whether because of our corrupt nature we need baptism.

After Adam and Eve's fall, their human nature which was created "in the image of God..." (Genesis 1:27), has been distorted and corrupted by a prevailing tendency to sin. Adam's children are therefore begotten in Adam's corrupted nature "in his own likeness, after his image" (Genesis 5:3). David the Prophet and King acknowledges this human frailty in his own psalm on repentance (Psalm 50, Agpeya). We have been born with sin and its corrupt nature.

With regards to Baptism, "Saint Ephrem, the Syrian - Hymns on Paradise" (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990) refers to a "Robe of Glory" which Adam and Eve lost... "in order to re-clothe the naked Adam and Eve (in other words, humanity), God, Himself, 'puts on the body' from Mary, and at the Baptism Christ laid the Robe of Glory in the river Jordan, making it available once again for humanity to put on at baptism; then, at his or her baptism, the individual Christian, in 'putting on Christ,' puts on the Robe of Glory, thus re-entering the terrestrial anticipation of the eschatological Paradise, in other words, the Church; finally at the Resurrection of the Dead, the just will in all reality reenter the celestial Paradise, clothed in their Robes of Glory."
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