Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Is there anything wrong with using the Internet to get to know women in order to search for a future wife?

What kind of women are you looking for on the internet? Are they Coptic Orthodox pious girls waiting for someone to marry them off the internet? Are those girls in Egypt or in the States?

How much really can you trust a girl you get to know off the internet? You are going to start talking to a girl you have never met. You assume she is telling the truth over the internet. Such a girl could be desperate to know a guy just for the sake of getting married. Is this a good way to start a relationship? Now, if this girl is not Coptic Orthodox, you will have to convince her not only to marry you but to convert to your religion. Even if she accepts and is willing to, would this be really for our Lord Jesus Christ's sake or for the sake of marriage? Is such a wife really the wife you are waiting for to spend the rest of your life with her?
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