Q&A Home > A > Archangels Where can I find information about Archangels Sedakiel, Sarathiel, and Ananiel? In the Holy Book of Tobit 12:15, the Archangel Raphael reveals his name and his true identify, while affirming that he is "one of the seven, who stand before the Lord." Archangel Michael is mentioned in the Holy Book of Daniel, the Holy Book of Revelation, and the Holy Catholic Epistle of St. Jude. In the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, Chapter 1, Archangel Gabriel discloses his identity to Zacharias as "Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God," thus, asserting that he is indeed another one of the seven. St. Luke also reveals that it is the Angel Gabriel who was sent to St. Mary for the annunciation of the incarnation of the Lord (Luke 1). It is also presumed that the angel who appeared to St. Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt and then later to return from Egypt is also Archangel Gabriel, as well (Matthew 2).
As for the other four, Archangel Suriel is associated with Ezra the scribe/priest. Archangel Suriel is sometimes referred to as "Uriel". The names of the Archangels Sarathiel, Sedakiel, and Ananiel, are not mentioned in any of the Holy Scriptures. Other Orthodox Churches and Roman Catholics acknowledge the archangels but use slightly different versions of these names. The origins of their names are not known, but the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches are in agreement that these three unknown angels are among the seven archangels and their names are symbolic of their relationship to God.
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