Q&A Home > C > Holy Communion > Orthodox and Catholic I go to a Catholic university and have been blessed to have a Coptic Orthodox Church near me to be able to go take Communion almost weekly. The university itself has several masses daily, and I serve in the university's liturgical choir, so either way, I go to the Catholic mass at least once a week for choir. I asked my father of confession whether or not we are allowed to partake of the Eucharist in Catholic Churches, and he said no (I also saw that this is the answer on the suscopts' FAQ page). I later asked, again my father of confession, whether we believe that the Eucharist in the Catholic Church is also the trust body and blood of Jesus Christ, and he said yes.
Despite (in my view) the small differences between the beliefs of the two churches, if in the end what they partake is the real body and blood of Jesus Christ, then is it not too precious for me not to take for the sake of not signifying that I share in the Catholic faith? From what I understand, the reason behind us not taking communion in the Catholic Church is that taking communion in a church means that you are in communion with that church's beliefs. However, if I still believe in the Orthodox Church's beliefs, and God knows that, then why can I still not partake of the Holy Eucharist? God knows that in doing so I do not share in the Catholic Church's beliefs but rather aim to be blessed through communion with Him. Essentially, I struggle to see the differences in our churches as significant enough to prevent us from taking communion less times than we are offered. The Catholic Church, although everything in its beliefs is not perfect, has most things right and has produced many saints. Surely, even if we are more right, they are not wrong if they have saints like Mother Teresa. I have also felt, in many masses (which I also feel in our liturgies) God speaking to me through their songs and homilies. I still believe in our faith, but I just do not think they are overall wrong, and I feel that God is with them too.
On a less important note, I remember in elementary school I used to also go to a Catholic school, and there, my priest told us it is okay to take communion in the school's mass, and so I did (my friend at the time, though, had a priest who told her that she cannot). Now, I have a Coptic friend who is not from the Southern Diocese whose priest told her it is okay to take communion in our university's masses. Why is there this difference of opinions regarding this topic? Being a member of a Christian choir is a noble endeavor. Although we are not in communion with the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Byzantine Churches, or the Roman Catholic Churches, we still recognize that they are apostolic churches. As we respect their canons, they respect ours. The Eucharist is not merely a blessing, but Christ Jesus Himself, according to our faith and prayers in the Divine Liturgy. In the Liturgies prayed in all these churches, the Creeds are a prelude to receiving the Holy Communion. Thus, the congregants affirm their faith upon their Creed in full communion dogmatically first before partaking of the Holy Eucharist. The Liturgies of the Faithful in the Oriental Orthodox Churches begin with the Gospel, followed by the Creed, then the Prayer of Reconciliation prior to the Anaphora and the Institute of the Narrative. We thank God that He allowed Coptic Orthodox Churches to flourish all over the world. Therefore, there is no need to partake of the Holy Mysteries in any other church.
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