Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I suffer from constant blasphemous thoughts and feelings where the enemy finishes my sentences in my mind with blasphemy and makes me think I have blasphemed when I have not. He torments me and tells me if I do not or do certain things, it counts as a blasphemy. These blasphemous thoughts are like sentences, but they appear in less than a second and I know what the sentences are. This occurs to me every second. I hope God has not forsaken me because of my previous dreadful sins. Please pray for my healing and repentance.

Though we are unworthy and unrighteous, we are confident in God's love, mercy, and compassion. When any disturbing thoughts come to your mind, pray in your heart, "Lord have mercy," or any of the Psalms. The devil has no power over us because we are God's children. When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we say, "Our Father," and He listens to our prayers and they gladden His heart. The devil and his demons use the tool of discouragement to make us fainthearted and fall in despair. Thus, the way to defeat the works of evil is by calling out to God, our loving, Father, and trusting that He is with us and in us. 
On a different note, if this issue is related to mental health, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), or other psychological issues, you could benefit from consulting with a mental health counselor.  
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