Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I am a Coptic Orthodox Christian from the Eritrean Orthodox Church. I have recently started to confess. With the grace of God, I have also taken Holy Communion. But, each time I am done with repentance, I remember a new sin, and by then, I have had confession repeatedly for several times but did not get a chance to take Holy Communion. This time, again, I have remembered another sin that I have done in the past and during this time we are in Holy Week. Can I confess during Holy Week. My father of confession is the only priest we have in our community, and he has been delivering to us Holy Week services via online (as with the current situation). I feel like he is too busy to take my confession. Plus, I am also scared that I will remember another sin later. This has been bothering me a lot lately and is keeping me focused on my past rather than my present.

When you remember a sin, write it down, so when you talk with your confession father, you may ask for absolution for those sins. If he is busy, he will let you know. You should not assume that he does not have time for your confession, so you postpone and do not take Holy Communion for a long time. This is often a diabolic trick to overwhelm you with shame and guilt and despair. God is willing to forgive you. He died for all the world though we are sinners. He gave us His Holy Body and Blood for the remission of our sins. He is pleased when we repent. He appreciates every struggle and effort we make to overcome any sin. Thus, live a life of repentance and confess according to a schedule upon which you and your confession father agreed.
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