Q&A Home > S > Spiritual Father I came across this article and would like to ask for an opinion on it, please.
http://www.pravmir.com/finding-spiritual-father/?utm_content=buffer0148c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer (1) People today do not know how to choose a spiritual father. I agree with this view. The seeker must be willing to be completely submissive to the spiritual mentor. The spiritual father or mother guide their spiritual children on a higher path of spiritual development and a better and better relationship with God, while they too walk on that same path with their spiritual children. Thus, compatibility with one's spiritual mentor is very important because otherwise it will be very difficult to fulfill the spiritual exercises put forth as part of one's spiritual agenda and one will remain in spiritual infancy. A good match can lead to spiritual growth and the acquisition of virtues. However, if it is not a good match, it can lead to confusion.
(2) The writer says that people need to take more personal responsibility and be more accountable for their actions. I think that a spiritual father or mother who are truly in tune with their spiritual children would also encourage that perspective. Seeking spiritual advice is not enough unless the seeker is willing to apply it. Thus, application is key. First, apply the smaller steps before seeking higher strides which are impractical for where one may be in life. Spiritual mentors can assist their children who are not progressing in virtues, but they cannot do the work for them.
(3) The writer talks about the reciprocal holiness, humility, and love of the spiritual father or mother with their children. A beautiful point made in this article regarding achieving absolute obedience by a spiritual son or daughter to the holy fathers was a result of the spiritual father's absolute love. Thus, absolute love produces absolute obedience. This is not only required of the spiritual father, but also of the son or daughter. Even if the spiritual father falters, the spiritual son or daughter must be willing to respond with holiness, humility, and love.
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