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I am a sophomore in high school and have been having feelings for this guy for a while. I see him everyday whether at school or church. Everything he does increases my feelings for him. I know that having feelings for someone, especially at this age, is normal, but I think about this guy all the time and have temptations to tell him I have feelings for him to know if it is mutual. I know that it would be wrong to tell him that I have feelings especially because we are both too young. I am trying to think about this guy less and less and to stop having feelings for him, but of course it is impossible. What should I do?

You seem to be a wise young lady because you know that you are both too young to get involved in any sort of romantic relationship. This is the time for you to focus on your spiritual maturity and educational endeavors. While it is normal that at this age boys and girls form attractions to each other, it is too soon to be in a serious relationship. Years ago, people married much younger. Young men often followed in the family business, young women were content to be wives and mothers, and the young family generally stayed close to their family of origins. Thus, ambition to further one's education, expand career options, or relocate to a distant place were not important factors in the equation. Today, many young people wait until they complete their college education before committing to a serious relationship. In addition, both the young man and the young lady have many, many more options to weigh. Thus, try to keep some distance to avoid intensifying your emotions. Pray and take time to enjoy personal retreats with your church if and when you can.
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