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I am a 16 year-old teenage boy. There is this girl that I have liked for a long while and I still do. I know this is not the right time. Now here is the thing, from what I have read around the Coptic forums and youth bishopric. They say, what starts as a friendship can lead to lust and then sin. In addition, "these feelings are just temporary and will go away." I understand these statements based on from what I see around me every single day in the culture. At the same time, I know it's a rare occasion, but these feelings can be correct and they won't go away.... I talk to this girl as just a friend without anything serious and I don't have any intention of saying anything to her because I know it's not the right time. At the same time, I care for her a lot and I want the best for her. I worry about her like she is my sister. We hang out and talk in groups with others. However, I text and we have simple conversations. We joke around—nothing serious. I pray and ask for God's will to help me with this. What are the steps that I should take in the long run and now? Is there anything wrong with treating her like a sister? Is there anything wrong with getting to know more about her?

Your thinking is correct in terms of realizing that this is not the right time to approach any girl about serious emotional feelings. At this age, most of these kinds of feelings are stirred by erratic emotions. It is good to think of this girl as a sister—but only as a sister. Nothing can come of this at your age and for many more years. In the meantime, your thoughts will also mature and you will be searching for a major in college. Your energy should be placed in the direction of your studies and career aspirations. Don't allow the devil to rob you of what is pure by trying to convince you to maintain a relationship that can lead to sin if it is acted upon prematurely. It is good that you sought answers form the church through this QA page and other Coptic forums. Discuss your situation in more depth with your confession father so that he can help you uproot any impure thoughts before they have a chance to become embedded in your heart and lead to inappropriate actions.

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