Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I watched a movie called Agora. The movie was about the life of Hypatia the philosopher. They said she was killed by the hands of Coptic monks and blamed St. Cyril for the killing. I did some research and apparently many websites connected her murder with St. Cyril. Have you ever read about Hypatia and how she was killed? I am just wondering what the church says about this and what is the truth behind this accusation? I also read that St. Cyril, with the help of those monks, killed Jewish people and drove the rest of the Jews out of Alexandria. Although the story does not make sense because Hypatia was very close to the emperor and it is the same emperor that made St. Cyril the head of the Council of Nicea but I would like to get your opinion on this.

The link below provides an unbiased perspective of the great St. Cyril, the Pillar of Faith, from a non-Orthodox stance. It states that a non-cleric by the name of Peter, amongst other Alexandrians who were not monastics, instigated violence against a woman philosopher named Hypatia. There are no reliable documents or manuscripts that show any tinge of evidence that St. Cyril in anyway supported this event or engaged or had others participate in any cruel provocations or demonstrations. What you watched was a movie trying, as usual, to discredit Christianity beginning with our forefathers. It is not of St. Cyril's unquestionable and excellent character to have such a violent streak or to allow such mayhem to take place. We can read throughout all the history books written about this great man's love and wisdom. Even with Nestorius, the heretic, who threatened the church with his inflammatory statements, St. Cyril exercised patience and prudence in trying to lead him to repent of his heresies before taking action to excommunicate him. St. Cyril is admired by all Christian denominations and theologians as a just and wise leader, who was not only chosen to preside over the Council of Ephesus for the benefit of God's Church, but as a true Pillar of Faith for all time.


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