God is the source of every blessing. There is nothing that His own creation can do or offer that can add to His Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowing stature. However, blessing can also mean exaltation when it is in reference to God, since He is the source of all blessing. We exalt Him and offer Him our thankfulness with a heart full of gratitude for He is the Giver of all good things. When we ask God to bless someone or something, we are asking Him to add goodness and prosperity to that person or that project. However, since no one can add anything to God, we offer ourselves, i.e., our sincere worship, and acknowledge the many blessings He bestows upon us. Chanted in every Divine Liturgy, "A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise," is demonstrative of our love, gratitude, and adoration of Him for having reconciled us to Himself.
Read and Contemplate on Psalm 103