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How do we reply to those who say church is not important, and that everyone can pray at home? It is not a need to go to church. How do we reply to those remarks?

"But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; in fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple" (Psalm 5:7).

Most of the holy sacraments take place in the Church. The sanctity of the Church is uniquely consecrated entirely to Christ and the Christian faith. The Church is more than just a mere building. It is a living abode of doctrine, faith, and holiness. In his letter to the Ephesians (5:22-33), St. Paul writes extensively about Christ's love and ultimate sacrifice for the Church and resembled it to the thread of unity, love, and respect between a husband and wife. The Church is the community of believers where Christ's disciples gather together in love, harmony, peace, forgiveness, and fellowship. Yes, people have faults and Christians that attend Church have their shortcomings and struggles. Nonetheless, we are united by faith and should help one another through our struggles.

Let us learn from the wisdom of the Church fathers: “The Church is a hospital, and not a courtroom, for souls. She does not condemn on behalf of sins, but grants remission of sins.
. Nothing is so joyous in our life as the thanksgiving that we experience in the Church. In the Church, the joyful sustain their joy. In the Church, those worried acquire merriment, and those saddened, joy. In the Church, the troubled find relief, and the heavy-laiden, rest.
". 'Come," ,' says the Lord, "'near me, all of you who labor and are heavy-laiden (with trials and sins), and I will give you rest." .' (Matthew 11:28)
) What could be more desirable than to meet this voice? What is sweeter than this invitation? The Lord is calling you to the Church for a rich banquet. He transfers you from struggles to rest, and from tortures to relief. He relieves you from the burden of your sins. He heals worries with thanksgiving, and sadness with joy.
. No one is truly free or joyful besides he who lives for Christ. Such a person overcomes all evil and does not fear anything!” St. John Chrysostom
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