Q&A Home > R > Rosicrucian Order Significantly the gospels tell us in plain language that Saint John the Baptist was the reincarnated Elias. This was a mystery and Saint John the Baptist, when questioned, kept quiet but others knew the truth of it. (A point from the Rosicrucian order site.) St. John the Baptist was not Elijah. There is no mention of the death of Elijah the prophet. As an adult, he was taken up into heaven (2 Kings 2:11). John the Baptist was born an infant. From the moment of his conception, his life was known (Luke 1). When confronted by the priests and Levites who questioned him if he was indeed Elijah, he truthfully responded, "I am not" (John 1:21). Using the prophetic words of Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 40:3), St. John the Baptist provided the most accurate answer regarding who he is and quoted the prophet Isaiah, "I am, 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord'" (John 1:23). John the Baptist was known to be bold and spoke openly and truthfully, even if it meant imprisonment or his head on a platter. Where is there any indication that he would have kept quiet about any truth? Because he shared in a fiery zeal of truth and boldness like Elijah, he is compared to having the spirit of Elijah, i.e., a zealous, courageous, and an ascetic persona.
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