Q&A Home > P > Pregnancy > Gender-Decisions What do you think about using natural methods to favor the gender of the baby when people are trying to have a baby of a certain gender? Those methods may include adjusting the PH of the cervix or trying to conceive on certain days relative to ovulation time when scientists think the chance is higher to conceive the desired gender. There are some science and technologies that we can use to overcome adverse situations. However, what is adverse about having a little girl or having a little boy? I do not think that the gender of a baby should be a concern. The less we interfere with God's plans, the better. As a parent, you will not be able to love one more than the other. The gender of a child does not determine his/her ability to succeed or to achieve anything else in life. It is best to leave things in God's hands and be grateful that he has given you the blessing of having a child. Pray that your child will be healthy and help him or her to grow in the love and fear of God.
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