Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I am curious about Mortal sin in the Coptic Orthodox Church. In the Roman Catholic Church, mortal sin is a sin that completely destroys the life of grace in a baptized believer and consequently results in that person's condemnation until he/she receives sacramental absolution. In my discussions with a Coptic Orthodox priest, I have understood that the Coptic Orthodox Church believes similarly to the western view. What is Mortal Sin in the Coptic Orthodox Church? Is it approached in the same legalistic fashion as in the Roman Catholic Church (i.e., the three criteria for a sin to be mortal)? What constitutes a mortal sin in the Coptic Orthodox Church? There does not seem to be much information regarding this subject on the internet.

My second question is similar: Is a person, who has sinned and has not been able to receive absolution, allowed to receive Holy Communion? Does the absolution received in the Holy Liturgy permit one to approach the altar? I understand that the Holy Liturgy must be approached with repentance, but I guess I am wondering that if a person commits a mortal sin, he/she is barred from Holy Communion or does the absolution in the Holy Liturgy free him/her of the mortal sin?

The Coptic Orthodox Church does not believe that any sin is unforgivable except for the sins that are not repented. The general absolution prayed by the priest during the Divine Liturgy is sufficient only with the penitent's intention to sincerely follow-up with his/her confession father at the earliest, most opportune time to confess. There are some situations for which someone may be disciplined for a period of time in which he/she is not allowed to partake of Holy Communion. These rare occasions are between the person and his/her confession father and/or according to a clergical council.
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