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What characterizes smoking as a sin? Is it not the addiction, and the detrimental effects it has on the body (the temple of God). If so, is it NOT a sin to smoke a cigar since the person does not inhale it in the lungs and no addiction occurs after only one try of it a couple of months ago? My friend asked me this and I did not know how to answer, please help.

Do not fool yourself. Cigar smoking has major health risks, can cause cancer in the oral cavities, and is sometimes even more harmful than cigarettes. If you only tried it once, then do not do it again, as you may be sending a message to someone else who may weaken and be exposed to the deception that cigar smoking is safe. Rather than convincing yourself with what is wrong with something, ask yourself what is right with it and beware of silent communication that is often louder than audible sounds.

"Therefore, if food [put here...anything else that is questionable] makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat [put here...or engage a harmful activity}, lest I make my brother stumble" (1 Corinthians 8:13).

Cigar Smoking and Cancer -
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