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I work as a full-time employee in a retail store where it is usually considered to be against company policy to read. My work shift is from 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM (double shift). However, we have down-time when we are not busy, and during that time I will read. This usually does not get in the way of my work. I also do not think I would be seriously reprimanded for it. Is it a sin for me to read at work?

The Holy Scripture teaches us to be faithful in all circumstances to those who have authority over us, such as employers. Our obedience to the vocations we hold under their supervision should reflect our love and obedience to God. Though reading spiritual literature is edifying, if it is against company policy to read at all during down time, then it is better to obey. If you can read during your breaks, your supervisors cannot really object, since that time is usually personal. If there is room for leniency at your work, be direct and ask your supervisors for permission. If agreed, then no need to worry that you are breaking the rules. If they do not agree, then set aside some quiet time just for reading when you are off duty.

Suggested references: Romans 13:1-7, Ephesians 6:5-8 and 1 Peter 2:13-17.
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