Q&A Home > G > Genetic Engineering There is 1 question in this category.
- What is the church's view regarding Somatic gene therapy?
- Germ line genetic engineering for the sake of preventing some genetic problems, such as down syndrome, and other medical purposes. What would the church's stand be towards its use, if the success rate of the procedure was 100% without cloning, to stop serious diseases as well as mild conditions, such
as nearsightedness, skin sensitivity, cholesterol, etc.?
- What is the church's stand towards Germline Engineering that uses cloning to cure patients from serious diseases as well as mild conditions?
- Germ line Engineering could be used to give the subject, or patient certain abilities outside of its normal species' capabilities. What is the church's stand towards this use of germline enginering on animals (indeed, it is already happening with monkeys, rats, flies, and all sorts of other creatures)?
- In China, geneticists have found a way to guarantee a child being 100% a boy without altering with his genetic make up. Would it be considered a sin if the parents went through this procedure to make sure they get a boy this time?
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