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- Please read Mark 7:14-19, Matthew 15:10, Romans 14:14, and 1 Cor 6:12-13.
From the above verses, it seems that we are told no food can defile us. At the same time, eating certain food can be harmful to our bodies which we are to take care of otherwise we would be sinning against them. "...Certain unclean animals are known to transfer diseases to humans: the pig bears trichinosis; the hare, tularemia; carrion-eating birds, various diseases. Eating animal suet is now known to lead to heart disease...Most unhealthy foods (e.g., poisonous plants)..." (Excerpted from Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, under 'Clean, Unclean' http://bible1.crosswalk.com/Dictionaries/BakersEvangelicalDictionary/bed.cgi.
How can one reconcile that with the following biblical references: (Mark14:15), (1 Cor 6:12), and (Romans14:14)?
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