Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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In the Manoah story, it is believed that Jesus appeared to him, but it said that the Angel of the Lord appeared (Judges 13:13). How can it say that the Angel of the Lord appeared when it is really Jesus?

We know that Manoah and his wife knew they had seen the God, and yet, they lived (Judges 13:22-23). God the Father is invisible and God the Holy Spirit is only visible symbolically. God the Son, the third Person of the Holy Trinity, appeared in a human form prior to His incarnation, visible and touchable. The appearance of the pre-incarnate Logos was only temporary. Thus, He was manifested in human form but as the "Angel of the Lord." The Holy name of Jesus was not yet revealed until it was told to the Blessed Mother—St. Mary by the Archangel Gabriel (Luke 1:31).
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