Q&A Home > S > St. Mark Why is St. Mark the Apostle called the Beholder of God? St. Mark was the man carrying the jar when the two disciples went to prepare a place for the celebration of the Passover (Mark 14:13-14, Luke 22:11). St. Mark was also the young man who fled naked before the Crucifixion (Mark 14:51-52). Unfortunately, in the first century, Papias the Bishop of Hierapolis claimed that St. Mark never heared nor accompanied the Lord. He wrote "Mark the interpreter of Peter, wrote down exactly, but not in order, what he remembered of the acts and sayings of the Lord, for he neither heard the Lord himself nor accompanied him, but, as I said, Peter later on." Unfortunately few historians quoted Papias. For these reasons, the Coptic Church insists on calling St. Mark, the "Theorimos" meaning the "Beholder of the Lord."
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