Q&A Home > C > Career/Career Choice Does focusing on a career too much prevent others seeing the need to embrace the gospel? How can we bring His kingdom on earth if we focus on careers too much? Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God's. Is that solely the job of those whom the Church has chosen to preach the word? Would the economy go down if no one made advances in their chosen careers? Would having less rich Christians mean less food is given to the poor? St. Paul says the unbeliever would be better than him. The apostles had no money, yet they made time for the people in need and strangers and Jesus told the rich man to leave all and follow Him. Is that necessary if you want to further the kingdom? Didn't Jesus say it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom? Is it because they would have less time to serve strangers? The person with one talent said Jesus reaped where He had not sown. He complained so he hid his talent. What does it mean that he hid his talent? Did he fear losing his faith if he preaches to others? Did he fear if he succeeds in the world, he would lose his salvation? Did he fear if he succeeds in the world and serves God with his success, he would lose what he gained from the world? What is the downside of having less advances in technology? I know sometimes lives can be saved, but what else? If the world sees Christians as lazy, does it reflect badly on the gospel? Who will warn them of the Judgment?
Furthering one's career does not mean the focus is on expanding one's bank account. Having substantial wealth does not make one less spiritual and less concerned about salvation. Loving Christ and serving Him in truth minimizes all worldly success to mere tools for the ministry of God. Focusing on a career or being ambitious about a career or being successful in a career does not mean the person is less spiritual or negligent in sharing the gospel and the kingdom of God. Use your role at work, whatever it may be, as a service—a service without sound, but pure and powerful by example. Hiding one's talent refers to selfishness and wallowing in self-pity. The one who hides his talent keeps his goods to himself and does not care about how his talents may serve others and further their steps on the path of salvation. Such a person wallows in self-pity because he expects earthly rewards and is not concerned about the heavenly rewards, which are far more precious. All Christians are called to be a "light" in the world and "salt" to the earth. This is no small matter. These characteristics are said to be about the everyday Christian in the world and not merely monastics in the desert or consecrated servants in the religious community, but everyday Christians, simply and honestly living and conducting themselves as Christians in the world.
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)
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