Q&A Home > W > World Council of Churches Some Orthodox websites claim that the core of the problem lies with the WCC constitution that contradicts the Ecclesiology of the Church. Is it true that once you become part of the WCC, you become heretical in agreeing with their ecclesiology? What does the Coptic Church think of this and how do we answer back? What exactly is the Orthodox Ecclesiology? The definition of the term ‘ecclesiology’ is the branch of theology concerned with the nature, the constitution and the functions of a church. In other word it is the Church belief system.
This is how the WCC represents itself: The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity. ‘It seeks to advance towards this unity’.
This organization never claimed that all its members are united in all aspects of their faith. It is true that a large number of its members are Protestants who are trying to call on unity regardless of the major differences in faith, to the point that they had an appeal for intercommunion. This of course was opposed by the Orthodox churches for Saint Ireneus already in the second century explained "Our faith is in agreement with the Eucharist, and the Eucharist confirms our faith." Joint communion would be a recognition that all who partake belong to the One, Apostolic Church, while the realities of Christian history and of our time, unfortunately, show the profound dogmatic and ecclesiological divisions of the Christian world.
All this however should not make us abort the determination to be an active member of this council in order to voice our opinion and declare our belief, praying that one day all Christians would be truly One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
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