Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Why are women's roles in the church limited (can't be a deacon, priest, read the Gospel during the Divine Liturgy, etc.)?

Men and women are equal before the Lord, but in terms of their roles in the church, each gender has a different function. When God established the rites of worship, in the Old and New Testament, He chose men for these liturgical and ecclesiastical services. Woman can teach in Sunday school, perform care ministries such as charity for the poor, the orphaned, the ill, and the aged. Women also have administrative responsibilities, serve on boards, and write on behalf of the church. Some women are called to the monastic order, some are consecrated for the service, some are married, and some are single and remain celibate. Each one can serve God wholeheartedly in many capacities, other than in liturgical roles, as God chooses for her.
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