Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Why does not the bride’s father escort his daughter to the Altar as it is in the western Churches?

  1. The procession of the bride and bridegroom is an Orthodox Tradition, which symbolizes that the Lord Jesus Christ gives the bride to her groom through the priest. This is opposite to the Western Tradition in which the groom receives his bride from her father.

  2. In the Western tradition, there is no procession for the groom; whereas in the Coptic Orthodox tradition, the procession is conducted for both the bride and the bridegroom signifying that angels (the deacons) are bringing both of them before the Lord Jesus Christ in order to unite them.

  3. In order to reconcile both traditions, it is permissible for the bride's father to walk next to the bride and the groom during the procession or he can escort her from the limousine to the entrance of the church; also the bride and her father can enter the reception together. There are several options to choose from.

  4. The focus should be on the spirituality of the Mysteries not on who is escorting the bride. The Holy Matrimony is not simply a ceremony in the Coptic Orthodox Church but a solemn Mystery with its meaningful course.

  5. Usually this is not an issue with Americans. I have performed many weddings for Americans who after having had the meaning of the Coptic Orthodox Tradition explained to them, they appreciated it very much. Americans know very well how to respect traditions and do not ask for exceptions. Traditions often influence their decision positively towards adopting Orthodoxy. If they act otherwise, most of the time it is because of an outside influence.
I pray that your response will be an informative and encouraging one in helping others to love and value the Holy Mysteries.
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