Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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What is the whole point of all the different denominations of Christianity? Also why can't we all just partake of the Holy Eucharist at the Eastern Orthodox Churches?

The first split in the church, at the council of Chalcedon, was between the Oriental Orthodox Church on one hand and all the other churches including the Eastern Orthodox on the other hand. Although this split was politically motivated, it resulted in major differences between the churches accusing the Oriental Church of adopting the Monophysite (single nature) belief. The second major split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church who claimed supremacy over all the churches, occurred because of a concept that has no apostolic basis. This concept pertained to the procession of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church had added the expression "and from the Son" to the Nicene Creed.

After nearly fifteen hundred years of separation, in 1964 unofficial theological consultations started between the Oriental and the Eastern Churches, which led afterwards to the establishment of a Joint Commission for the Theological Dialogue between them. This commission convened four times at Chambesy, Geneva (December 1985), Anba Bishoy monastery, Egypt (June 1989), Chambesy II (September 1990) and Chambesy III (November 1993).

For more details about these dialogues check the following websites:

These dialogues are progressing slowly but until we become in full communion with the Eastern Orthodox Church, we cannot partake in the Holy Communion with them. Let us all pray for this matter.
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