Q&A Home > S > Spirituality How are the soul and human personality related to each other? Also, when I am praying the Jesus Prayer, after awhile, I begin to see spiritual images, am I to totally ignore them? When does a person know when our Lord Jesus Christ speaks other than in scripture? I am so simple that I often misunderstand what is very clear for others. Could you please help me? A very good book to read about the soul and the spirit is "What is Man" By His Holiness Pope Shenouda. This book speaks about man's capabilities and instincts, about the role of the conscience, the heart and the spirit.
Praying the Jesus Prayer is a wonderful way to think of the Lord at all times. However, be alert and do not let your imagination or the devil deceive you.
In order to know and listen to the words of the Lord, we have to be tuned to hear him. It could be through the Holy Scriptures, a sermon, a word of a friend or any other way. The main idea is to be open and receptive to the Lord at all times and be able to identify the messages He is sending us. Usually when He speaks to us, we feel this peace that surpasses every understanding. I recommend seeking spiritual direction to help you with this matter.
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