Q&A Home > S > Spiritual Warfare I am having trouble getting closer to God. During the Holy Great Fast I used to read the Holy Bible; but now even if I read; I get mentally distracted; and I lose interest in reading and praying. I feel so far away from Christ. Does your Grace have any suggestions on how I could get on the right track again? Will God forgive me for being uninterested in His Word and for not talking to Him? Your situation is common among many who, during the Holy Great Fast concentrate on their spiritual life; and with the help of God, through the fast and the Divine Liturgies, they do grow spiritually and feel closer to God. Then comes the Holy Fifty Days, with no fasting at all not even on Wednesdays and Fridays. For many, this season becomes a period of lukewarmness. The key to overcoming this stage is perseverance. Trust that God never ignores anyone seeking him. What you need is perseverance and hope. Any time you try to get closer to God, you should expect opposition. Satan's purpose in the world is to oppose God's work. Nevertheless, know that he is limited; and can be defeated. Have faith that when we resist him he will flee from us "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7) but again this requires perseverance and courage.
Dedicate a fixed time daily to be totally devoted to the Lord with no interruptions. Even if you find yourself distracted or not benefiting; be persistent. If you are reading the Holy Bible and your mind wanders reread the same passage once and twice until you conquer the devil who doesn't want you to benefit from what you are reading. Pray daily and do not give up, even if you pray for just few minutes. The main thing is to concentrate in your short prayers lifting your heart to the Lord asking him to deliver you from this temptation. Our Lord is very loving and merciful. He never holds back His forgiveness from those who diligently ask for it.
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