Q&A Home > S > Spiritual Life We have a problem with our oldest kids (12 and 9). They resent being obliged to go to church every Sunday (now that we have a Coptic church closer to us than before having been relocated). They have started to drift apart from God: they hate Sunday school, no longer pray at home, don't want to talk about God and say they are fedĀ up with all this. I am very concerned about their souls. Of course they respect us and will obey us if we oblige them to go every Sunday. But what will become of them when they are adults? I am afraid they will reject God, since to them it meant only boredom and obligation. Could you please tell me what we should do? Thank you for your advice. There are many issues you need to contemplate in this situation. The change from going to church occasionally to a weekly commitment might not be easy for the children since this change could mean not to sleep in on Sunday or miss going out with their friends.
My real concern is their drifting away from God. This has to be dealt with at home. Always make them feel how great God is. He is their Father and their friend. Set aside a special time daily to read the Holy Bible with them at home in a fun manner not as a homework or a duty. I recommend starting with the Holy Gospel of St. Mark. You could read one chapter a day together and get them to explain what they understood from it. What is really the message or messages God is giving us in the chapter they read and how they can apply it in their daily life. You can use also the 3-year Bible study questions posted on the website as a fun test http://www.suscopts.org/bible.html. For their age the intermediate level would be adequate.
Get to know what specifically bothers them in the Sunday school, whether it be the topics, the servants or not having friends to associate with. Discuss their concerns with their servants and work together to rectify the situation.
Do not worry for this is probably a stage in their life and they will get over it. Pray for them that the Lord may open their heart to love Him and put Him first in their life and ask them to pray for the same thing. Do not give up on them or give in to their drifting but stand firm making sure they know what their priorities in life should be.
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