Q&A Home > S > Service Our young active priest has been moved to another church for more than eight months. As a result, division among the youth took place and they lost interest in attending their Friday meeting or the Bible Study. Although we tried visiting and telephoning the youth, yet there was no response.
I have suggested that service coordinators hold a general meeting to discuss this big problem and also the idea of sending out some sort of a questionnaire for the youth to fill out concerning their spiritual needs and then to be analyzed by us. I am asking for your valuable advice. You need to identify the cause of this division. What exactly has the old priest offered that is now missing after he has moved to another church.
In your visitations and calling what kind of excuse, did the youth give you? Are they just unhappy because they lost their young priest?
Have a general meeting with all the youth and their servants. Make sure to emphasize the importance of this meeting to them so that they would be encouraged to show up.
In the meeting, be very honest with them and get them to talk about their feelings. Make sure to listen to their views. Some of the questions you can ask to the youth: Do you consider this meeting important to you? If yes, why? If no, why?
Why are you not attending the meeting as before?
What do you miss in the meeting that is making you stay away from it?
How can we make the meetings more attractive to you?
Is it possible that you become personally involved in the meeting in order to make it a success? In your discussions do not be defensive blaming them for the failure of the meeting; On the contrary, make each one feel that he/she is a very valuable member of the group and that their presence is essential for the success of this meeting.
After listening to all they have to say, make sure to talk to them about the spiritual benefit they inevitably will reap from the youth meeting even if they do not admit it nor are they unaware of it.
The main thing is to make them sense the love and care you have for them.
Before having this general meeting make sure to gather all the servants for a special inevitably time of prayer dedicated for the success of this meeting that the Lord would guide you and give you the wisdom and the right words to say.
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