Q&A Home > S > Service What does your grace think of yelling as a means of capturing attention and obtaining quietude within my Sunday School class of 6th and 7th graders? I do that out of love and not of anger. I feel that is the only successful way, and besides I do not know any other way ,to cause my students to become quiet and obedient in order to listen to the lesson. I am not sure how one distinguishes yelling out of love from yelling out of anger! How is love shown in yelling and a loud voice? I know it is very difficult to control boys at this age, and discipline them. However, I think that talking to them with a straight but laving face and a determined but gentle voice explaining to them that for everything there is a season, a time to play and a time to listen will make them respect you out of love not out of fear and forced obedience.
I am sure not all the 25 are trouble makers or hyper. Usually three or four boisterous boys are the ones who lead the disturbance. They are those whom you need to concentrate upon, involving them in either preparing a lesson and presenting it to the class, or putting them in charge of discipline and order in the class. Then they will feel they have an important role and that they are not just sitting there bored and disinterested. Eventually their attitude will change and will reflect on the whole class.
Pray for your kids and for the service and discuss with your fellow servants how you can make the lessons more attractive to the kids in order to capture their attention and make them more involved in the classroom.
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