Q&A Home > S > Service How do I inspire my fellow servants and children? We lack unity what can I do? The first and most important factor in servce is prayer. You have to pray about this matter daily without ceasing. Pray for the servants and for the children. Once the servants are inspired, this will reflect on the children and you will reach your goal.
To inspire others, you need to acquire the role of an effective leader. Leadership requires a set of skills: influencing, explaining, listening and developing. You can influence others by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to achieve the mission set before you. You need first to set the goal of your service, then communicate it to the others. Our goal as Christians is a Christ-centered spiritual growth in our life and the life of those we serve. Any group of people trying to accomplish any task will succeed once they have a shared vision.
Have regular servants meetings during which you always reemphasize the mission before your fellow servants, you need to:- Pray together for the success of the service
- Give them reason for doing the things that need to be done
- Have very close line of communication between each other
- Serve as the role model
- Understand individual differences and deal with each one accordingly Do not give up on people, know that your persistence will eventually pay off and that people are assets we can enhance and develop.
This will take time and effort, but again do not be discouraged at any moment. Always pray to the Lord to assist you in taking care of His own church and His own children.
Regarding the children, most of them are very sensitive to their servants. The main thing they want from the servant is love. They can easily spot if their servant is enthusiastic and loves them or he is just fulfilling a duty without committing themselves in what they are saying or doing. Servants will find their tasks much easier if they do it conscientiously and wholeheartedly.
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