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"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come"  (Mark 13:32-33).  If the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, how come the Son doesn't know, while the Father does?

Our Lord wanted to emphasize to His disciples the fact that they should not  worry about knowing the hour but be always ready expecting His second coming. St. Ambrose says that our Lord Jesus Christ is the judge and He is the One that has given us the signs of His coming. Therefore, He does know that day. If the day of His coming is the real "Sabbath" when God and His saints will rest, how can Christ ignore it and He is the Lord of the Sabbath "For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" (Mt 12:8).

St. Augustine also says "our Lord Jesus Christ was sent to us to be our "Master," He said that "of the day not even the Son of Man knew, "because it was not part of His office as our Master that through Him it should become known to us. For indeed the Father knoweth nothing that the Son knoweth not; since that is the Very Knowledge of the Father Itself, which is His Wisdom; now His Son, His Word, is "His Wisdom." But because it was not for our good to know that, which however was known to Him who came indeed to teach us, though not to teach us that which it was not good for us to know, He not only, as a Master, taught us something, but also, as a Master, left something untaught. For, as a Master, He knew how both to teach us what was good for us and not to teach us what was injurious."

With the same thought St. John Chrysostom explains that by saying, 'not the angels', He stopped their mouths, that they should not seek to learn what these angels know not; and by saying, "neither the Son," forbids them not only to learn, but even to inquire.
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