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In the writings from the Church fathers, Hermas' Vision #3 14:6 "And I answered and said unto her, 'When then, lady, will they be useful for the building?' 'When,' she replied, 'their wealth, which leadeth their souls astray, shall be cut away, then will they be useful for God. For just as the round stone, unless it be cut away, and lose some portion of itself, cannot become square, so also they that are rich in this world, unless their riches be cut away, cannot become useful to the Lord.'" Please explain to me what he means by "unless their riches be cut away". What is wrong with being rich?

There is nothing wrong with being rich. Our father Abraham was a very rich man and the Holy Bible calls him righteous and the friend of God, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God" (James 2:23).

The verse in Hermas' vision talks about wealth that leads the souls astray. It is in accordance with the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:24). Our Lord does not say that the rich will not enter the kingdom of God, but those who trust in their riches instead of submitting to and relying on God.
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