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> Remarriage
There are 7 questions in this category.
I am a Roman Catholic who was previously married, although not in the Church. I have been divorced for 18 years. My current husband is Coptic Orthodox, and we were married in a civil ceremony. I would now like to be baptized in the Coptic faith so we can be married in the Church. His priest is telling him I must get an annulment in the Catholic Church before I can be baptized and married in the Coptic Orthodox Church. He is also denying my husband communion. Is this in accordance with the Coptic Orthodox Church? This same priest has committed many other acts, which do not seem to be in accordance with the teachings of the Church, and there are many disputes in his congregation. No matter what the answer is, we will not be going to this priest’s church to be baptized or married. I just feel the priest is making it difficult for my husband as a personal vendetta. My question is really in trying to understand the need for proof of annulment of a marriage that was not recognized in the first place. The documents are prepared, but we will be using another priest at another church closer to our home, where we will be attending services after this is all straightened out.
I am currently seeing a Coptic Orthodox girl. I am a Catholic and was married to a woman in a Catholic Church. I had a court ordered divorce with her because of her adultery—meaning to say that I did not cause the divorce and at no time gave her any reason to divorce me, but she did gave me a reason to divorce her when she cheated on me. The girl that I am currently seeing knows about my past and I was wondering if it is still possible for us to get married in a Coptic Orthodox Church even though I was once married in a Catholic Church? I know I have to file for annulment in the Catholic Church if I ever wanted to get married in another Catholic Church again, but I am not sure what I need to do if I am planning to get married in the Coptic Orthodox Church. I know I have to join and become a Coptic Orthodox, of which I have no problems. What are the steps that I need to do in order to fulfill my over-all goal of being one with the Coptic Orthodox girl with I am involved?
I am not married yet, but I may marry a woman that was married and later divorced. She is divorced because her husband committed adultery. She is innocent. She has one child from him. Both of us are Orthodox Christians. Is it lawful for me according to word of God to marry her? If yes, how will the ceremony of our marriage be?
I know that people are allowed to get divorced in cases of adultery. So is the victim of adultery allowed to get remarried?
I know widows and widowers can marry if they wish, but who is allowed to marry with her/him? Can it be someone who was not previously married? If so, how will the ceremony of their remarriage be? Will it be the same was the regular traditional ceremony (like the first marriage ceremony)?
I was not raised with religion and I was married by a civil ceremony outside of any church. We were divorced due to domestic violence. Can I marry a Coptic man in the Church?
My friend asked me a question, which I am passing on to you, as I do not know the answer. She was baptized and married in a Protestant Christian Church. I told her she would need to be re-baptized in order to convert to Coptic Christianity, as her baptism is not considered valid in the Oriental Orthodox communion. Her question is whether her marriage is considered valid. She is in the process of a legal divorce and wants to know if she converts to Coptic Christianity, what her marital status will be? Will she be eligible for the marriage sacrament in the Coptic Church or not if she converts and gets a legal divorce?
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