Q&A Home > N > Noah / Noah's Ark How long was Noah inside the ark? According to the calculations of the days mentioned in the Holy Scripture, it is estimated that Noah and his family lived in the ark approximately a little over one year.
Genesis 7:4-11 ~ Noah and his family entered the ark on the second month, tenth day of his six hundredth year.
Genesis 7:11 ~ The rain which produced the floods began after seven days.
Genesis 7:12,17,24; 8:1 ~ The flood over all the earth lasted for 150 days. This also included the 40 days of rain.
Genesis 8:3-4 ~ The waters decreased and receded. The ark rested on Mount Ararat on the seventh month, seventeenth day, 10 days after the flood diminished.
Genesis 8:14-19 ~ Noah exited the ark in the second month, 27th day of his 601st year.
In total, the flood lasted 370 days, which is the amount of time Noah lived in the ark.
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