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Satan has been tied down for a thousand years by the angel, according to Revelation 20:1-3. Is this thousand years literal? Is he released now or is he still tied? How does this affect us in terms of temptations and sin?  Has Jesus also closed the gates of Hades for a thousand years after the three days in Hades? If so what is the reference?

The thousand years is not literal but it is the period we are living now, which started on the Lord's entry into "The strong man's house and plundered his goods, after binding him" (Mk 3:27). He always grants His children to strive and overcome Satan. In the New Testament, we find many quotations (Jn 12:31; Col 2:14,15) that  reassure us, not that Satan's behavior is tied down, but that his authority is confined. Therefore, he cannot have dominion over man as long as man gives him no place into his heart. The writings of the early Church Fathers give the believers hope and courage to fight Satan without fear or trouble. Thus the believer is reassured that, with the cross of the Lord, he will tie Satan down and destroy him. "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Lk 10:19).

The moment our Lord Jesus Christ had died on the cross, He descended to Hades and freed all those who had been waiting for salvation after having been held captive by Satan. This happened instantly since there is no biblical reference that  our Lord stayed three days in Hades. The gates of Hades are still open to those who are not worthy of going to paradise; and all are waiting for the second coming of our Lord.
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